Belmont University’s Massey Graduate School of Business helps working professionals advance their careers by earning graduate degrees in business administration. The Massey School offers two distinct MBA programs for working professionals: the Professional MBA for experienced professionals in all industries and the Healthcare MBA for experienced professionals in the healthcare industry. Each program is designed with Jack Massey’s original vision in mind: increasing Nashville's leadership base.
To expand this objective, the Massey Graduate School of Business instituted the Corporate Partners Program (CPP)*. The CPP supplements employers' tuition assistance for employees enrolled in Massey's MBA programs. Massey's assistance is designed to make the graduate degree more affordable for individuals who work in Corporate Partner organizations.
Massey Corporate Partners Structure
Tier 1
Corporate Partner contributes $12,000 or more toward total tuition and Massey provides 20% discount of total tuition
Tier 2
Corporate Partner contributes $9,000 to $11,999 toward total tuition and Massey provides 15% discount of total tuition
Tier 3
Corporate Partner contributes $5,000 to $8,999 toward total tuition and Massey provides 10% discount of total tuition
Massey's Corporate Partners contributions are divided into four equal disbursements and applied to student's tuition in the fall and spring semesters during which the employer participates in the CPP.
Contact Us
Carrie Finnegan
Graduate Recruiting and Admissions Counselor
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Carrie Finnegan