The SPARK Registration & Summary Submission Form is now available through March 31st.
We are excited to have you present at the Belmont SPARK Symposium. Please follow the link below to submit a summary for SPARK (available in March). Your summary will be published to the SPARK Repository, which is a searchable archive of research, scholarship, and artistic works. This means that you will have a website that you can point to in your resume to showcase your amazing work!
When registering to present at SPARK and submitting your summary, you have the option of submitting either a written or video summary; however, your submission must be approved by your faculty mentor prior to submission. Your summary will also be sent to your faculty mentor for one final review. While your submitted summary should be the finalized version, any changes your faculty mentor would like you to make must be done within 2 days of receiving feedback. While you will be submitting a summary now, you can add on full-length manuscripts, videos, or images following SPARK to better represent the entirety of your work.
A submission video tutorial and written instructions for submitting the Belmont Digital Repository can be found here.
You will be notified if there is a problem with your submission.
Student Presenters: REGISTER HERE
- Read and accept the Submission Agreement within the submission form
- Provide information about yourself and any co-authors
- Upload your electronic file, if any, and associated files
- Download, print, sign, scan and upload the Copyright Distribution Agreement
- Submission is sent to Faculty Mentor for final review
- Changes requested by Faculty Mentor must be submitted within 2 days of receipt
- The submission’s title
- The summary
- A list of keywords (10 maximum)
- (Optional) An electronic format of additional full-length documents such as manuscripts, videos, or images
- Copyright Distribution Agreement signed and ready to upload
- You may change the order of authors by changing the number next to the author's name. The first author of a submitted summary is assumed to be the SPARK presenter. Please email if that is not true or if there are multiple presenters.
- The summary submitter may choose to not have your submitted summary published to the internet by selecting “Metadata Only” under Presentation Type.
- If you are only submitting a summary with no other documents needed, you can skip the option to upload a document.
- Either the student presenter or faculty mentor may submit the symposium summary; however, we encourage students and their faculty advisor to consider the opportunity a student submission will provide.
- Oral presentations have a hard 15-minute cap. Planning for a 10-minute talk and 5 minutes for questions is ideal!
- You can find detailed instructions for registering to present and submitting your summary on the repository website.
- Fire
- Fireworks, explosives, or any similar device
- Knives, guns, or any other weapons
- Alcohol and illegal drugs
- Unsafe chemicals, hazardous materials, blood, urine, fecal matter, or other elements of concern
- Sexually explicit imagery
- Unnecessary vulgar language
- Cruelty– animal, human, or otherwise