Student working together to build a tower during an Interprofessional engagement event

Research Endeavors

Interprofessional Engagement

Publications in Interprofessional Engagement

  • Gibbs, D., Dahlgren, L., Greenwalt, S., & Hahn, L. (2024). "Interprofessionalism in Higher Education and Research." In M. Pizzi & M. Amir (Ed.), Interprofessional Perspectives for Community Practice. SLACK Incorporated.
  • Brown R, Frame T, Lemmonds T, Dambrino K, Koch A. (2022) Transitioning large In-person Interprofessional Events to Virtual. 2022 American Physical Therapy Associate Combined Sections meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Lemmonds T, Adam J, Espiritu EW, Wyant DK. Short-term Service-Learning: Implications for Preparing Health Science Students for Practice. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2021 Oct 01;19(4), Article 3.
  • Espiritu, E. W., Busby, S., Hunt, J.W., Brown, R., Hallmark, B. F., Cochran, K., & Brophy, C. (2021). Students’ self-perceptions of self-awareness/self-regulation when experiencing unexpected situations in an interprofessional clinical simulation. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 19(1), Article 11.
  • Espiritu, E.W., & Busby, S. (2021). Meaning and impact of interprofessional simulation participation for occupational therapy students: A qualitative descriptive study. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5(2).
  • Gentry, C., Espiritu, E., Schorn, M. N., Hallmark, B., Bryan, M., Prather, P., Villalta-Gill, V., Offodile, R., & Wilkins, C. H. (2021). Engaging the community through a longitudinal, interprofessional, interinstitutional experiential learning collaboration. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 13, 169-176.
  • Williams, C.L., & Dambrino, K (2021, November). Assessing Facilitators and Barriers to Flu Vaccine Uptake among Undergraduate College Students. [Oral presentation]. 2021 American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States.
  • Williams, C.L., & Sullenberger, S., (2021, November). Integrating ACEs and trauma informed care concepts into undergraduate public health and social work curricula, [Roundtable presentation]. 2021 American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States.
  • Elena Wong Espiritu, Joshua P. TenHaken-Riedel, Renee Brown, Tracy R. Frame, Jamie Adam, Allison Koch, Tamara Lemmonds, Alexis Dawson, Alexa Herrera, Katherine Markley Jones, Courtney Myers & Audrey Owens (2020) Incorporating Spirituality into Graduate Health Professions Education, Christian Higher Education, 19:4, 254-271, DOI: 10.1080/15363759.2019.1687050
  • Williams, C.L., Dambrino, K, & Delano, G. (2020, September). Assessing Facilitators and Barriers to Flu Vaccine Uptake among Undergraduate College Students. Poster presented at: 2020 Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Conference, Virtual.
  • Dahlgren L, Gibbs D, Greenwalt S, Hahn L, Dietrich MS. Getting it Right from the Start: An Interprofessional Orientation Experience for Graduate Health Sciences Students, Evaluating Attitudes toward Role. OALib. 2018;05(04):1-15. doi:10.4236/oalib.1104460
  • Farmer-Dixon, Cherae; Thompson, Machelle; Young, Daphne; McClure, Stephanie, Halpern, Leslie;. Dental Clinics of North America. Section writer for Chapter 6: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: An Oral Health Paradigm for Women. IPEC Model for Oral Health Providers in Community Primary Care. Dental Clinics of North America. Impact of Oral Health on Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. 2016 Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: An Oral Health Paradigm for Women - ScienceDirect

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

*Hours may differ during school breaks or holidays.

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