Why choose the OTD program at Belmont?
Belmont OTD has a long history of success as a program. We are fully accredited through ACOTE and our NBCOT pass rate is consistently high. The OTD program is part of a dynamic interprofessional college of health sciences providing many opportunities for collaboration.
You will engage with a robust faculty team who represent various practice areas and specialties. Several faculty hold advanced certifications in pediatrics, seating and mobility, aging in place and assistive technology. Explore emerging practice areas such as pelvic floor health and primary care.
While studying at Belmont you will engage in service to the community with your faculty and peers. International service opportunities are also offered through Immersive mission trips and Level II fieldwork.
Enhance your leadership skills through active participation in our student organizations, BSOTA, and COTAD. Both organizations advocate for the profession and those we serve while honoring diversity, equity and inclusion.
You will join a vast network of Belmont OT alumni who are making a difference in their communities as entrepreneurs, professional leaders, researchers, advocates and educators!
What You'll Learn
- You will learn to advocate as a professional for the occupational therapy services offered and for the recipients of those services.
- You will experience broad exposure to the delivery models and systems used in settings where occupational therapy is currently practiced and where it is emerging as a service.
- You will achieve entry-level competence through a combination of academic and fieldwork education.
- You will acquire the ability to plan and apply occupational therapy interventions to address the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sensory, and other aspects of performance in a variety of contexts and environments to support engagement in everyday life activities that affect health, well-being, and quality of life.
- You will become lifelong learners who keep current with and contribute to evidence-based professional practice.
The Doctorate of Occupational Therapy Program at Belmont University is designed to help you develop expertise across four central themes: Clinical Reasoning and Practice Application; Leadership; Service; and Scholarship.
Today’s healthcare and wellness initiatives require occupational therapists to be well equipped to meet the diverse needs of their consumers and evolving industries. As leaders in the profession, you will be called upon to help shape the profession, to help design and deliver programs, to create new innovations, and to build on current practice.
This program will take you from a generalist skill level to an area of advanced practice of your choosing. Your educational journey starts out with a cohort of OT classmates and faculty that supplement your learning. The fieldwork coordinator works closely with you to select the best fieldwork I and II settings to integrate classroom learning with clinical skill development. The advance practice selection will be guided through faculty, fieldwork coordinator, and supervisors input as well as an expert mentor that will work closely with you during your residency or Capstone experience after all coursework is completed.
In the final semester students complete their Capstone Experience. Successful completion of the Capstone depends on the student's ability to integrate the four curricular themes of Clinical Reasoning and Practice Application, Scholarship, Service and Leadership to affect a positive social change.
The Capstone is an integral part of the program’s curriculum design and includes an in-depth experience in one or more of the following: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development.
Guided advisement and reflection is started in the student’s first semester. Coursework and faculty mentorship facilitates the student‘s creation of a learning plan tailored to their values, interests, and goals and contributes to the student's development of both generalist and advanced skills in occupational therapy. A faculty mentor and expert mentor will supervise and assist the student during the Capstone to successfully complete their individualized learning plan.
As a requirement of the doctorate of occupational therapy degree, students will complete a 14 week (560 hour) Capstone project. The student must successfully complete all didactic coursework, fieldwork I and II’s, as well as a competency prior to proceeding to the Capstone. Fieldwork hours cannot be applied towards the Capstone hours.
Students must complete their Level II fieldwork and Capstone within 24 months of completing their didactic coursework.
Capstone Projects

Career Possibilities
- Occupational Therapy Practitioner
- Educator
- Researcher
- Entrepreneur
- Advocate
Program Details
The depth and breadth of the OTD program is designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of an occupational therapy general practitioner.
The curriculum provides broad exposure to current practice settings and emerging practice areas. Students are educated in the use of occupation to provide therapeutic intervention for individuals and groups of all ages through in-depth exploration of evidence-based literature and Level I fieldwork opportunities. Through completion of a series of courses related to scholarship, students collaborate to develop and complete a culminating research project. Finally, students learn to synthesize advanced knowledge in a practice area through Level II fieldwork and the completion of an advanced Capstone Experience.
Students must successfully complete all Level II Fieldwork assignments and the Capstone experience of the program within 24 months following the completion of the didactic portion of the OTD degree program. In all cases, all graduation requirements including didactic academic coursework, fieldwork and the Capstone experience, must be completed within 6 years (72 months) of starting the OTD Program.
Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (Year 1)
Fall Semester - Year 1: 18 Hours
- OTD 6000 Foundations and Ethical Decision Making in Occupational Therapy 3 Hours
- OTD 6010 Occupational Behaviors 2 Hours
- OTD 6011 Occupational Behaviors Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6025 Psychosocial Dynamics in Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Intervention 2 Hours
- OTD 6030 Kinesiology/Anatomy: Assessing Human Performance 3 Hours
- OTD 6031 Kinesiology/Anatomy: Assessing Human Performance -Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6040 Clinical Pathophysiology 2 Hours
- OTD 6050 Introduction to Scholarship 2 Hours
- OTD 6220 Leadership and Public Policy 2 Hours
Spring Semester - Year 1: 18 Hours
- OTD 6100 Adult Human Development 2 Hours
- OTD 6110 Occupational Performance I 4 Hours
- OTD 6111 Occupational Performance I Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6120 Clinical Studies I 2 Hours
- OTD 6140 Neuroscience: Assessing Human Performance 2 Hours
- OTD 6141 Neuroscience: Assessing Human Performance Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6150 Quantitative Research Processes 2 Hours
- OTD 6160 Level I Fieldwork and Seminar Experience I 2 Hours
- OTD 6340 Educational Strategies in Occupational Therapy 2 Hours
Summer- Year 1: 6 Hours
- OTD 6210 Managing OT Delivery Systems 2 Hours
- OTD 6250 Qualitative Research Processes 2 Hours
- OTD 6240 Special Topics Therapeutic Modalities 2 Hours
Year 1 Total: 42 Hours
Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (Year 2)
Fall Semester - Year 2: 17 Hours
- OTD 6130 Technology and Environmental Interventions I 2 Hours
- OTD 6131 Technology and Environmental Interventions I Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6350 OT Research I 2 Hours
- OTD 6410 Occupational Performance II 3 Hours
- OTD 6411 Occupational Performance II Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6420 Clinical Studies II 2 Hours
- OTD 6430 Interventions in Cognition and Perceptual Disorders 2 Hours
- OTD 6431 Interventions in Cognition and Perceptual Disorders Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6440 Capstone Planning Seminar I 1 Hours
- OTD 6460 Level I Fieldwork and Seminar II 2 Hours
- OTD 6290 Independent Study in Occupational Therapy (elective by approval) 1-3 Hours
- Elective by approval: Additional 1-3 hours if taken
Spring Semester- Year 2: 21 Hours
- OTD 6415 Occupational Performance for Psychosocial Interventions 3 Hours
- OTD 6300 Childhood & Adolescent Development 2 Hours
- OTD 6310 Occupational Performance III 3 Hours
- OTD 6311 Occupational Performance III Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6320 Clinical Studies III 2 Hours
- OTD 6330 Technology and Environmental Interventions II 2 Hours
- OTD 6331 Technology and Environmental Interventions II 1 Hours
- OTD 6360 Level I Fieldwork and Seminar III 2 Hours
- OTD 6416 Occupational Performance for Psychosocial Interventions Lab 1 Hours
- OTD 6445 Capstone Project Planning II 2 Hours
- OTD 6450 Research II 2 Hours
- OTD 6290 Independent Study in Occupational Therapy (elective by approval) 1-3 Hours
- Elective by approval: Additional 1-3 hours if taken
Summer Year 2: 9 Hours
- OTD 6480 Fieldwork Level II 9 Hours
Year 2 Total: 47 Hours (48-53 hours with electives)
Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (Year 3)
Fall Semester - Year 3: 9 Hours
- OTD 6580 Fieldwork Level II 9 Hours
Spring Semester - Year 3: 10 Hours
- OTD 6680 Capstone Project 10 Hours
Year 3 Total: 19 Hours
Total Program: 108 Hours (109-114 with electives)
Fieldwork education is designed to provide occupational therapy students with opportunities to integrate academically acquired education with practice. It is during the fieldwork experience that the student can learn, practice and refine skills of observation, evaluation, treatment planning, implementation and communication. In the fieldwork setting the student begins to define his or her future roles as a practicing occupational therapist and can develop the necessary self-confidence and effective characteristics essential to meeting the demands for this challenging field. Fieldwork provides many opportunities for feedback which promotes professional behaviors and attitudes and clinical expertise.
Fieldwork is an integral part of the education of an occupational therapist. Fieldwork must occur in an environment that provides experiences which reinforce previous learning and which challenge and motivate the student to develop professionally and adapt to clinic situations.
The School of Occupational Therapy coordinates fieldwork opportunities for students at locations in Tennessee and across the United States within regulatory guidelines established by each state. International opportunities may also be available. Belmont University is part of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) which guides placement in most states.
The academic fieldwork coordinator is responsible for the planning and implementation of integrated and sustained fieldwork experiences. The experiences occur under the supervision of and with the support of occupational therapists or other qualified individuals. To ensure that the fieldwork activities support and enhance the goals of the program there is continual collaboration by clinical educators, academic faculty, and the academic fieldwork coordinator.
In keeping with Belmont University's occupational therapy program's mission and curriculum design, fieldwork will be directed toward meeting the goals of education for practice, advocacy, and research. The fieldwork experiences are designed to encourage values and behaviors that exemplify professional leadership, integrity, and social consciousness; these values/behaviors support the program's goals to develop ethical practitioners to meet the immediate and future needs of the community.
The occupational therapy program requires both Level I and Level II fieldwork experiences. Level I fieldwork is an integral part of the didactic portion of the educational program. Students are exposed to diverse practice settings to increase their understanding of occupational therapy. Level II fieldwork is the culminating educational experience for the Belmont University occupational therapy student.
Starting in the spring of the first year, students begin the first of three Level I fieldwork experiences. Students engage in directed observation and participate at clinical fieldwork sites where they can begin to apply principles taught in previous and concurrent coursework.
Level I Fieldwork
Level I fieldwork is designed to facilitate student integration of knowledge, clinical skills, and professional behaviors to prepare for Level II fieldwork and future practice.
Level I fieldwork is organized into 3 courses: psychosocial, aging populations, and pediatrics, with each course covering a variety of practice settings. Level I fieldwork uses a several teaching/learning methods and experiences, including seminar, in-person simulations, virtual simulations, standardized patients, faculty-led field trips, guest speakers, reflective assignments, interactions with fieldwork educators, and supervised practice experiences in the community.
Level I practice experiences may be supervised by occupational therapists or other appropriate personnel in the setting (e.g., occupational therapy assistants, social workers, and teachers). The faculty, academic fieldwork coordinator, fieldwork educators, and students continually evaluate the fieldwork experiences to ensure and improve effectiveness.
Preparation of the student prior to each Level I experience includes review of professional behaviors, safety procedures related to student and clients/patients, objectives, and assignments for the experience. Some of the fieldwork experiences may involve travel up to 100 miles from the Belmont campus
Level II Fieldwork
Upon completion of all of their academic work, students then enter the community to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities through completion of their Level II Fieldworks. Belmont has established over 800 clinical sites in occupational therapy across the United States.
The goal of Level II fieldwork is to develop competent, generalist occupational therapists.
Level II fieldwork includes an in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients. During this experience you will get to apply what you've learned in the classroom to occupational therapy intervention programs for clients in a wide variety of traditional and emerging practice settings.
During Level II fieldwork, you will have opportunities to enhance clinical reasoning and reflective practice, model professional behaviors, and develop and expand a repertoire of occupational therapy assessments and treatment interventions related to human performance.
Level II fieldwork for the OTD program at Belmont University consists of two twelve week experiences. Level II fieldwork (OTD 6480) is taken in the summer after the second year (students will register for the course in the spring and the fieldwork experience may begin the last week of the spring semester).
Students must complete all fieldwork and Capstone experience requirements within 24 months following completion of academic work.
Students in the OTD program at Belmont have opportunities to meaningfully engage with community partners throuogh service and level I fieldwork. Students may also choose to complete level II clinicals abroad in places like Ireland or Ecuador. Students are encouraging to engage in professional service organizations at the school, state and national level (BSOTA, TNOTA and AOTA). Students can strive for additional certificates in Leadership through Belmont GOLD and choose to be trained as Mental Health First Aid responder. Students are empowered to practice advocacy and inclusion skills through Belmont's COTAD (Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity) student membership and events.
Each year, the School of Occupational Therapy admits a class of 60 students to Belmont’s Doctorate of Occupational Therapy program. Students begin study in August of each year.
Applications for admission and applicant credentials are received nearly exclusively through the Occupational Therapist Central Application Service (OTCAS), provided by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).
Candidates may apply for admission after completing a bachelor's degree or entering the 3+3 program.
Belmont University offers accelerated pathways for ambitious first-year undergraduate students to obtain both a Bachelor Degree and a Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degree within six years. After three years of focused undergraduate study, students complete the OTD program in an additional three years, simultaneously earning their BS degree while undertaking prescribed graduate courses in the initial year.
This accelerated options demands adherence to rigorous requirements, including completion of major and prerequisite coursework, BELL Core, and WELL Core requirements within the undergraduate phase to be eligible for admission to the graduate program.
Learn more about our 3+3 pathways:
Program graduates are eligible to apply to take the NBCOT national certification examination for the occupational therapist administered by the http://www.nbcot.org/ (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). OTD students who have successfully completed all didactic coursework, level II experiences, and their capstone project are eligible to take the exam before graduation. However, NBCOT exam results will not be released until final transcripts are submitted by the Office of the Registrar to NBCOT.
Application procedures for taking the national board exam for occupational therapy can be found at: https://www.nbcot.org/en/Students/get-certified
In addition, most states require licensure to practice, which is a separate process from NBCOT certification. Licensure requirements vary by each state. However, state licenses are usually based, in part, on successful completion of NBCOT Certification Examination For specific state licensure requirements always consult the state occupational therapy regulatory agency. - See more at: http://www.aota.org/Advocacy-Policy/State-Policy/Licensure/How-To.aspx#sthash.2A9zi1bg.dpuf
Some states allow therapists to practice on a temporary license while waiting to take or receive the results of the NBCOT certification exam. If you fail the exam, you may not be able to continue to practice on the limited permit.
Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate's ability to be eligible to take the national certification examination or obtain state licensure.
Doctoral (OTD) and Master’s (MSOT) Programs in Occupational Therapy
Belmont University's OTD and MSOT programs meet the state educational requirements for Licensure as an Occupational Therapist in the states listed under Positive Licensure Determinations.
Positive Licensure Determinations |
Negative Licensure Determinations |
No Licensure Determinations |
Educational Requirements for State Licensure
None | Educational Requirements for State Licensure
Doctoral Program (OTD) Course in Physical Agent Modalities (PAMs)
Belmont University's OTD Physical Agent Modalities course meets the didactic portion of the state educational requirements leading to Physical Agent Modalities Certification in Tennessee. Belmont University has not made a determination regarding whether the program's curriculum meets the state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in PAMs in other U.S. states and territories.
The Occupational Therapy Doctoral degree program at Belmont University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE); 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814; 301-652-6611; www.acoteonline.org. Program performance data on the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) National Certification Exam for all schools is available on the NBCOT website. Cost of attendance is included on the Cost & Financial Aid page.
“I have loved my time as a student in Belmont University’s OTD Program. The program provides a multitude of opportunities for students to engage in their education, join national organizations, and serve the community. I have built life-long friendships within my cohort. Belmont’s amazing professors have mentored and challenged me and always strive to ensure student success. The learning opportunities that Belmont provided were invaluable and gave me confidence during both of my level two fieldwork experiences. As I graduate and become an occupational therapist, I cannot imagine a better place to prepare for my future career.”
Request Information
Contact Us
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Sarah Caylor
Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions
(615) 460.6722
Schedule a Call
MSOT Program: msot@belmont.edu
OTD Program: otd@belmont.edu
DPT Program: pt@belmont.edu