Students learning in a classroom.

University You

at Belmont University

A young woman in a red T-shirt speaks confidently at a podium with a microphone, while a young man in a matching red T-shirt and a black cap stands behind her, listening attentively.

Summer 2025 Information

Program Dates: 
Sunday, June 8 - Friday, June 13
Sunday, June 15 - Friday, June 20

Nomination deadline: April 1, 2025
Nominee Application deadline: April 25, 2025

A two-week, on-campus opportunity to picture yourself in college!

Through an innovative partnership with Metro Nashville Public Schools, Belmont University is providing a group of local high school students with a life-changing college immersion experience called "University You." The program, which launched in 2021, invites approximately forty MNPS juniors and seniors to spend two weeks living and learning on Belmont's campus each summer. 

During the two-week experience, the high schoolers live in Belmont's residence halls and take dual enrollment courses from top Belmont professors. In addition to academics, the program focuses on personal development, reflection and character formation. Dr. Mary Ellen Pethel, associate director of Global Honors who helps lead the University You program, described how it has evolved from its initial vision into a transformative two-year pathway. 

"We all asked ourselves, ‘What can we give the students to make the college experience possible for them?’ It was collaboration at its finest.”

Dr. Mary Ellen Pethel, Assistant Professor in the Honors Program
light quote mark


"University You began as a visionary partnership with MNPS designed to bring high school students to Belmont to take a college class. But it's evolved into a life-changing, two-year pathway program," Dr. Pethel said. University You Students 2024

In the junior year course, "Living in a Global, Digital World," students tackle pressing global issues and gain hands-on experience in research, coding, writing and design. The senior "Data Storytelling" course emphasizes data analysis and visualization through a historical and cultural lens. Final projects allow students to synthesize their learning and propose solutions to real-world problems.

Many of the University You participants are in the academic middle and are first-generation students for whom attending a four-year college may have previously seemed out of reach. Dr. McIntyre emphasized how powerful it is to see their perspectives evolve.

"This University You program enables a group of young people to really envision a different future for themselves, a brighter future and a future that's filled with greater opportunities and possibilities," he said. "It's just an incredible opportunity to create a brighter future for a group of students. And that is very much aligned to our mission at Belmont University."

Each of the twelve zoned high schools nominate two students for a total of 24 students per cohort.

This program focuses on rising juniors and seniors in the academic middle who are first generation college students and need support to envision themselves attending college.

Program Directors & Faculty:

Mary Ellen Pethel, Program Director, Associate Professor of Global Leadership Studies

Michael Oliver, Program Director, Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences and Neuroscience

Emmanuel Saka, Assistant Professor of Experiential Graphic Design

Rudy Bedeley, Assistant Professor of Business Systems, Analytics and Data Science

Heather Finch, Assistant Professor of English

Devin DeLaughter, Assistant Professor of Education

Tisha Brown Gaines, Associate Professor of Computer Science

Joe Fitzgerald, Assistant Professor of Education and Adult Degree

Carolyn Spellings, Instructor, Global Honors


Program Support Staff: 

Sanjana Ballal-Link, MNPS, Executive Director of Counseling & Advising

Jim McIntyre, Dean of the College of Education & Assistant Provost of Academic Excellence

Carshonda Martin, Assistant Provost for Student Success & Flourishing

Jozef Lukey, Assistant Director of Student Success & Flourishing

Jihan Strange, Assistant Director of Admissions Access, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Dana Perry, Assistant to the Dean of the College of Education 

Each block session will be led by Belmont faculty members with a variety of topics and content related to course curriculum.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-10:30 Block A Block A Block A Block A Block A
10:30-10:40 Break Break Break Break Break
10:40-12:10 Block B Block B Block B Block B Block B
12:10-1:10 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:15-3:00 Block C Block C Block C Block C Block C

There is no cost to the student. This is a MNPS and Belmont University project. Students are nominated by their high schools.

The program creates an opportunity to achieve at least six hours of university level credit and experience the academic expectations associated with university level work. It is designed to assist and help prepare them in achieving academic success when they enter university life after graduating from high school.

Application information

Jihan Strange, Assistant Director of Admissions

or Sanjana Ballal, Executive Director of Counseling & Advising

University You at Belmont University

Summer 2025

A two-week, on-campus opportunity to picture yourself in college!
Program Dates: Sunday, June 8 - Friday, June 13 and Sunday, June 15 - Friday, June 20
Nomination deadline: April 1, 2025
Nominee Application deadline: April 25, 2025

University You students with MNPS Superintendent Adrienne Battle

"We all asked ourselves, ‘What can we give the students
to make the college experience possible for them?’
It was collaboration at its finest.”
- Assistant Professor in the Honors Program, Dr. Mary Ellen Pethel

Through an innovative partnership with Metro Nashville Public Schools, Belmont University is providing a group of local high school students with a life-changing college immersion experience called "University You." The program, which launched in 2021, invites approximately forty MNPS juniors and seniors to spend two weeks living and learning on Belmont's campus each summer. 

During the two-week experience, the high schoolers live in Belmont's residence halls and take dual enrollment courses from top Belmont professors. In addition to academics, the program focuses on personal development, reflection and character formation. Dr. Mary Ellen Pethel, associate director of Global Honors who helps lead the University You program, described how it has evolved from its initial vision into a transformative two-year pathway. 

"University You began as a visionary partnership with MNPS designed to bring high school students to Belmont to take a college class. But it's evolved into a life-changing, two-year pathway program," Dr. Pethel said. University You Students 2024

In the junior year course, "Living in a Global, Digital World," students tackle pressing global issues and gain hands-on experience in research, coding, writing and design. The senior "Data Storytelling" course emphasizes data analysis and visualization through a historical and cultural lens. Final projects allow students to synthesize their learning and propose solutions to real-world problems.

Many of the University You participants are in the academic middle and are first-generation students for whom attending a four-year college may have previously seemed out of reach. Dr. McIntyre emphasized how powerful it is to see their perspectives evolve.

"This University You program enables a group of young people to really envision a different future for themselves, a brighter future and a future that's filled with greater opportunities and possibilities," he said. "It's just an incredible opportunity to create a brighter future for a group of students. And that is very much aligned to our mission at Belmont University."

University You 2024
For more information on one of our recent programs, view this news article.

University You

Read more about University You and it's impact on students.