“Other than studying abroad for a semester, what are the perks of Global Honors?,” a prospective student asked in a recent admissions information session.
Dr. Bonnie Smith Whitehouse, Director of Belmont Global Honors & Professor of English, standing at the front of the room after presenting information about the program, smiled and without missing a beat, answered, “Community.”

Dr. Bonnie Smith Whitehouse
She emphasized that the Global Honors Program at Belmont University offers a tight-knit and supportive community that goes beyond the typical college experience. This sense of community is fostered through class cohorts (students take the same Global Honors courses together), memorable events, mentorship opportunities and collaborative projects that encourage students to connect, grow and succeed together.
The theologian Frederick Buechner famously wrote that the place God calls you to is “the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.” Global Honors Program helps students find the intersection between their true passions and the world's pressing needs. At the core of the program is the belief that through this discovery, students can make a meaningful impact on the world.
By embracing this ethos, the Global Honors Program empowers students to embark on a journey of self-discovery and purpose, ultimately preparing them to make a positive and lasting impact on the global stage.
“Students who choose this program embark on a transformative journey that equips them with the skills and perspectives needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. Global Honors prepares students to become influential leaders and compassionate global citizens.”

Students smile and embrace at a roundtable
"Honors has pushed me to think in different ways and expand my view of the world,” said alumna Mary Holguin (Exercise Science, Honors, ‘23). “This community has given me some of my closest friends."
In addition to being a remarkable platform for ambitious students to find meaningful community and purpose, Belmont University's Global Honors Program stands out for academic excellence, personal growth and global engagement with a legacy of 35 years. Here are 10 reasons the program is an exceptional choice for aspiring scholars and leaders.
1. Supportive and Nurturing Environment
Belmont’s Global Honors Program fosters a supportive and nurturing environment where students are encouraged to excel–without the pressure of cutthroat competition. Contrary to common misconceptions about honors programs, Belmont's program is designed to help students discover their passions and support them in achieving their goals. The faculty and staff are committed to ensuring students' success and well-being, as well as creating a sense of camaraderie and genuine connections within the program. It’s not about a heavier course load or harder work.
2. A Diverse and Inclusive Student Body
Global Honors continuously works to diversify its student body. Currently, students represent every academic discipline on campus. In addition, the fall 2023 class and overall Honors student cohort both had a strong representation of 19% BIPOC students. Seven percent of the total student population identifies as first-generation, and 8% represent first-generation students in the incoming fall class.
“What we look for in a potential Global Honors student is someone who is curious, imaginative, and ambitious,” said Smith Whitehouse. “We are very excited about the diversity of backgrounds and experiences our wonderful students bring to the Honors program.”
This rich diversity not only enriches the learning experience but also cultivates an environment of inclusivity and cultural understanding. Students benefit from exposure to different perspectives, enhancing their ability to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.
3. Comprehensive and Unique Curriculum
The honors curriculum at Belmont is a direct replacement for the conventional core courses (known at Belmont as the Bell Core), and like the Bell Core, the Honors Core offers students an enriched educational journey. The Honors Core emphasizes creative forms of scholarship, leadership development, service and cultivating a global mindset. The program prepares students to become well-rounded and socially conscious individuals. Moreover, all core courses in the Global Honors program are populated with other Honors students, fostering a tight-knit community of like-minded scholars.
Justin Leal (Nursing, Honors, ’23) knew he wanted to be challenged academically. He was pleased when Belmont Global Honors helped him grow personally as well. “It was always a decision of mine to engage in a challenging curriculum that made me think critically about issues,” he said. “I have always been in Honors classes, and I wanted to continue that trajectory by joining Belmont Global Honors. I felt like I would become a more well-rounded individual and broaden my horizon if I engaged in classes that had other people from different majors.”
4. Engaging First-Year Experience
The first semester at Belmont's Global Honors Program introduces students to the exciting and engaging course "An Honorable Life." This course delves into essential questions about honor, living a “good” life, and how different cultures and professions have interpreted these concepts throughout history. It serves as an excellent foundation for students to transition smoothly into college life, encouraging them to think critically and meaningfully about their academic journey. This experience includes an “Honorable Life” dinner in the fall, in which Global Honors recognizes an individual for their embodiment of this idea.
“We pause every fall as an Honors community and gather together, have a meal and take some time to learn about and celebrate someone who has lived a life that can be defined as ‘honorable.’ In this way, we in Honors are not just looking to accumulate honors that bring attention to ourselves; we as Belmont Global Honors are also trying to point to others and recognize the efforts and gifts of our others.”
Honorable Life Dinner
What does it mean to live a good life? What does it mean to be good, to do good, to embrace and interrogate the nature of goodness? In this class, which was tailor-made for students new to the Honors Program, we will consider happiness, virtue, ambition, wisdom, struggle, doubt, and dreams from philosophical, theological, literary, political, historical and scientific perspectives.
- HON 1110: Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (3 hours)
- HON 1120: Engaging the Bible and Culture: Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar (3 hours)
- HON 2950: Honors Study Abroad Writing Workshop (3 hours)
- HON 3130: Honors Religion and Culture (3 hours)
- Ecologies of Art – an interdisciplinary study of contemporary and historical works of art where various ‘ecologies’ of human relations to nature are a primary concern.
- The Vote – Rhetoric and Democracy: an exploration of the relationship between rhetoric and democracy. Students engaged with a variety of texts ranging from Aristotle to Stephen Colbert.
- Making an Authentic Life in an Increasingly Virtual World – This course will consider how we preserve our humanity, connect meaningfully with one another, reflect on our choices and their implications, and stay grounded on the earth while living in our fast-paced age of technology, progress, and over-consumption.
- Daily Practices: A Guide for Healthy and Holistic Living – We will learn to identify the interrelated dimensions of wellness in ourselves and our communities, recognize disparities among populations, modify environments to enhance behaviors, and evaluate local and global practices of well being.
Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Harlaxton College in England
IAU Aix en Provence, France
IAU Barcelona, Spain
Arcadia at Royal Welsh Academy in Cardiff, Wales
Arcadia in London
Umbra Institute in Perugia, Italy
Arcadia in New Zealand (Canterbury)
Arcadia in Glasgow, Scotland (University of Strathclyde)
5. Study Abroad Opportunity
One of the most exceptional features of the Global Honors Program is the study abroad experience offered in the second semester of the second year. Belmont's commitment to investing in its Honors students is evident in its support for the semester-long study abroad program. The cost of the study abroad semester remains the same as regular tuition, allowing students to live and learn in community with other Honors students, to immerse themselves in a different culture, to broaden their horizons and to develop a global perspective, without an extra financial burden.
6. Junior Year Big Project
Upon returning from their study abroad experience, honors students embark on an exciting and transformative journey their junior year called Honors Scholars’ Collaborative. This unique opportunity enables students to propose, plan, execute and share a significant project, informed by the Sustainable Development Goals and guided by experienced faculty members. The big project emphasizes collaboration and encourages students to address global challenges and contribute positively to society.
By the time students graduate, they will have completed a major project. In the past, Honors students have:
- composed a full production of an original musical
- created a community-wide economic plan for a disadvantaged historic neighborhood
- researched and written about sweatshops overseas
- provided healthcare to the poorest in Africa and cared for orphans in India
7. Interdisciplinary Perspective
The Honors Core offers unique seminars that blur the lines between traditional academic disciplines. For example, students studying fine arts may also learn about geography and economics. Students who are improving as writers will also be given opportunities to meet their neighbors by serving in local nonprofits near Belmont’s campus. Additionally, the Honors Scholars Collaboratives bring together students and faculty from a variety of disciplines to address some of the world’s most complex issues.
8. Flexible Pathways & Custom Majors
Belmont recognizes the diversity of student interests and aspirations. For students unsure of their major or those with interests that don't fit into conventional categories, the program offers the flexibility to tailor a unique academic pathway that aligns with individual passions and career goals, leading to an individualized, custom major.
- Social Entrepreneurship in the Arts
- Entertainment Finance
- Economic Industrialization and Development (minor)
9. Simple Application Process
The application process for the Global Honors Program is simple. Applicants can indicate their interest in the program while completing the general Belmont application. Applicants are asked to write personal statements responding to the program’s values, which provide an opportunity to showcase their values, aspirations and commitment to academic excellence.
- BREAK AWAY from the checklist mindset as you discover and cultivate your unique potential and purpose
- EXPLORE, engage, and evolve in immersive intercultural experiences
- LISTEN to and learn from the stories, ideas, and experiences of others in order to shape a better world for all
- BELONG to an intentional and nurturing community that values critical thinking
- DESIGN innovative, data-informed, and creative projects that foster leadership, cooperation, and transformation
Apply to the Honors Program by:
When submitting your application, check the box indicating your interest in Honors. You’ll complete a personal statement responding to the program’s values. Submit your application by the Dec. 1 priority deadline.
Admission to the Belmont Honors Program is reviewed holistically, considering factors such as high school GPA, curriculum taken within the context of what is offered at the student's high school, essay, resume of activities, etc. (While there is no exact formula that guarantees an invitation to join Belmont Honors, the Admissions Committee encourages freshman applicants with a 3.50 or higher high school GPA to apply.)
Honors admission is on a rolling timeline. You should hear an Honors admissions decision a few weeks after your acceptance into the University.
10. Graduation with Distinction
Completing the Global Honors Program at Belmont University is an achievement worthy of distinction. Graduates of the program not only receive their degree but also carry with them a unique set of skills, a completed major project, as well as global experiences and perspectives that set them apart in their academic and professional endeavors. Moreover, the program encourages active alumni engagement, providing students with a broader network of support and professional opportunities long after they leave campus.
Graduating students in Belmont Global Honors are designated as Belmont Scholars in the commencement program along with the title of their collaborative project and team members. Additionally, students receive a medallion to wear at commencement inscribed with their name and the distinction of being a Belmont Scholar.
To learn more and apply, visit belmont.edu/honors.