Ruby Dunlap

Gordon E. Inman College of Nursing
APRN; ANCC Board Certified as a Gerontology Nurse Practitioner; EdD (Curriculum and Instruction) Tennessee State University; MSN (Advanced Gerontology Nursing Practice), Vanderbilt University; BSN Middle Tennessee State University
Location: Inman Center 202 Cube A
Dr. Dunlap joined Belmont University School of Nursing as a full time faculty in the fall of 1996. She has primarily taught Community Health Nursing each semester since then and has also taught Aging Adult, Health Assessment and the Nursing Capstone course. Please see the linked curriculum vitae below for details about Dr. Dunlap’s career.
View Dr. Dunlap's Vitae
A personal note from Dr. Dunlap. . . .
Nursing represents a way to love people skillfully. In addition, nursing provides a front row seat for the human drama. I find both of these compelling reasons to be a nurse.
I came to teach at Belmont in the fall of 1996 through a series of coincidences which make me believe that God wanted me here. My experiences at Belmont have never caused me to question His wisdom. Learning and growing with colleagues and students at Belmont is still one of the most satisfying aspects of my life. I love the global connections which teaching community health nursing gives me. I believe that diversity enriches life and that all of us are impoverished when any one of us is left out.
In addition to interacting with students, I love to read the classics, participate in philosophical discussions of any kind, and walk, run or hike outdoors. Getting off the subject is something I particularly enjoy and I always look for opportunities to do so.