Patrick Raines

- Ph.D. - University of Alabama, Economics
(Dissertation: A Theoretical Economic Explanation of the Competition Policy Implemented in the European Community) - M.A. - University of Alabama, Economics
- B.A. - University of Alabama, Economics
- Professor of Economics and former Dean, Jack C. Massey College of Business
- Professor of Economics and F. Carlyle Tiller Chair in Business, E. Claiborne Robins School of Business, University of Richmond
- Leathers, C. G. & Raines, J. P. (in press, 2014). Natural Experiments and Debt-Driven Financial Crises: The Mortgage Debt Boom of the 1920s and 2000s. International Journal of Social Economics.
- Leathers, C. G. & Raines, J. Patrick (2014). Veblen's Evolutionary Economics of Religion and the Evolutionary Psychology of Religion. International Journal of Social Economics.
- Leathers, C. G. & Raines, J. P. (2013). Friedman, Schumpeter, and Greenspan's financial policies: Spurious claims of intellectual links. International Journal of Social Economics, 40 (5), 504-520, doi: 10.1108/03068291311315368.
- Leathers, C. G. & Raines, J. P. (2012). Intuitive Psychology, Natural Experiments, and the Greenspan-Bernanke Conceptual Framework for Responding to Financial Crises. International Journal of Social Economics, 39 (4), 281-295.
- Raines, J.P. & Leathers, C.G. (2008) Debt, Innovations and Deflation: The Theories of Veblen, Fisher, Schumpeter and Minsky, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Raines, J.P. & Leathers, C.G. (2003) The Economic Institutions of Higher Education: Economic Theories of University Behavior, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Raines, J.P. & Leathers, C.G. (2000) Economists and the Stock Market: Speculative Theories of Stock Market Fluctuations, Elgar Publishing, Ltd.
- Most Supportive Dean of the Year, Students in Free Enterprise (2009)
- Volunteer of the Year, Arts, Entertainment and Music Category, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce [Raines, J.P. & Brown, L. (2006) The Economic Impact of the Music Industry in Nashville, Tennessee]
- University of Richmond Nominee for Outstanding Faculty Award, State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (2000)
- Distinguished Educator Award, University of Richmond (1997)
- Fulbright Scholar Award, College of the Bahamas, Nassau (1989)
Dr. J. Patrick Raines is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Belmont University. He earned his B.A. in Economics, M.A. in Economics, and Ph.D. in Economics all from the University of Alabama, where he also played center on football teams coached by Paul ”Bear” Bryant. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, he has taught comparative economic systems, money and banking and international business classes in The Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business at Belmont University.In 1990, Dr. Raines was appointed as a Fulbright Scholar to the College of the Bahamas. His international experience also includes his leadership of one of the first industrial development groups to the former Soviet republics to establish educational and industrial relationships with emerging market enterprises. At the University of Richmond, he was instrumental in developing the curriculum and study abroad programs for the International Business program.Dr. Raines has published more than twenty articles in prestigious academic journals in his field of economics. His research interests include economic models of institutions of higher education, debt and deflation in the U.S. economy, and behavioral finance. His third book was released by Elgar Publishing Ltd. in 2008. Since assuming the dean’s position at Belmont University, new undergraduate degree programs have been added in entrepreneurship, economics and international business. The MBA program was selected by the 2006 Nashville Business Journal Reader’s Poll as the BEST MBA program in Nashville. The Massey School has been listed in the Princeton Review in 2005-2012. Under his leadership funds were secured to establish two endowed chairs and to build and endow the first university-based financial information center (“Trading Room”) in the State of Tennessee.Dr. Raines is a member of the Board of Directors for the Nashville Junior Achievement program, chair of the Board of Directors for Centennial Medical Center, and serves on the Advisory Board of the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health and the Middle Tennessee Research Institute. His dedication to teaching resulted in his receipt of the University of Richmond Distinguished Educator Award. In 2001, he was nominated by the Council of Higher Education in the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Outstanding Faculty Award. He was also presented the E. Claiborne Robins School of Business Award for Scholarly Activities. He received a Nashville Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Volunteer of the Year award for his economic impact study of the music industry in Middle Tennessee, released in January of 2006.