Oscar Lovelace

Founder and Family Medicine Physician at Lovelace Family Medicine Clinic; Frist College of Medicine Advisory Board Member
Thomas F. Frist, Jr. College of Medicine
Oscar Lovelace is a rural physician who started a solo practice in 1988 after serving as chief resident of the University of Virginia family medicine residency program. Lovelace Family Medicine, located in Prosperity, SC, the hometown of his paternal forefathers, is an independent practice providing hospital and ambulatory care. He delivered over 200 babies his second year of solo practice then after Newberry county lost it’s last obstetrician, he helped organize a mini fellowship experience to train his group of family physicians to perform cesarean sections and postpartum tubal ligations. During a five-year period when only family physicians were serving the county, the group lowered minority infant mortality by 68%. In 2014, he was named South Carolina’s Family Physician of the Year by the S.C. Academy of Family Physicians. In 2015 he was named America’s Physician of the Year by the American Academy of Family Physicians. During the first two years of the Covid pandemic, the practice administered 25,500 vaccine doses in a 5 county area.