Michelle Shaw

Assistant Professor
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Ph.D in Rhetoric and Public Culture (ABD), Northwestern University
Location: Ayers 2133
Michelle E. Shaw is a PhD candidate in Rhetoric and Public Culture at Northwestern University. She earned her BA in Mass Media Arts from Clark Atlanta University, and while working as a full-time journalist she earned a Master of Divinity degree from the Interdenominational Theological Center. She later earned a Master of Theology degree from Emory University’s Candler School of Theology.
Before returning to the classroom to pursue her graduate education, Michelle wrote for several newspapers in the South and Southeast, including The (Nashville) Tennessean and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, over the course of 15 years. As a result of her journalism career, Michelle is passionate about general and interpersonal communication, and particularly helping speakers craft clear, concise messages.
Michelle’s academic interests dwell at the intersection of rhetoric and religion. Her dissertation project focuses on Black women who teach preaching, and questions whether their memories and current experiences of being Black women in the world influence their pedagogical approaches and practices.
In her down time, Michelle enjoys traveling, watching movies, reading and re-reading books, and adding to her growing Build-A-Bear collection.