Marilyn Odom

College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Dr. Marilyn Thompson Odom joined the faculty of Belmont in January 2009 as Associate Professor in the College of Pharmacy and was promoted to the rank of Professor and awarded tenure in 2014. From 2016-2021, she served as the Chair of Pharmaceutical, Social, and Administrative Sciences in the College of Pharmacy. She served as Chair of the Department of Integrated Medical Education in the Frist College of Medicine from 2021-2023. She currently holds the position of professor in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Dr. Odom graduated from the University of South Alabama with a B.S. in Respiratory Therapy and from the Whiddon College of Medicine with a Ph.D. in Basic Medical Sciences with a specialization in Pharmacology. She completed her postdoctoral training at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. From 1999-2008, Dr. Odom served as a faculty member at Meharry Medical College, where she trained three students to earn their Ph.D.
Dr. Odom’s teaching responsibilities have included First Year Seminar and Neuroscience within the Occupational Therapy curriculum. Within the Pharmacy curriculum, she has taught in Anatomy & Physiology, Pharmacodynamics, Endocrinology, and Oncology courses. Dr. Odom’s research interest focuses on signaling mechanisms in triple negative breast cancer. She offers research opportunities to undergraduate students through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFS) program and in the Honors program and to Pharmacy students either as a research elective or as an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE).
Drug repurposing for triple negative breast cancer
Molecular profile of bladder cancer in African American bladder cancer
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Teaching Center Travel Award, Belmont University, 2021
Most Influential Faculty Member, Belmont University College of Pharmacy, 2014
Teaching Center Travel Award, Belmont University, 2012
Teaching Center Travel Award, Belmont University, 2011
Distinguished Faculty in Research Training, School of Graduate Studies and Research, Meharry Medical College, 2008
Peer-reviewed Publication in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Clauson A., L. Hahn, T. Frame, A. Hagan, L.A. Bynum, M.E. Thompson, K. Kiningham. An innovative escape room activity to assess student readiness for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs). Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 11 (7): 723-728, 2019.
Thompson, M.E., K. Reed, K. Shultes, and C. Ficzere. Student perceptions of a basic medical science-focused advanced pharmacy practice experience. Medical Research Archives 2:1-14, 2015.
Thompson, M.E., R. Ford, and A. Webster. Effectiveness of interactive, on-line games in learning neuroscience and student’s perception of the games as learning tools: a pre-experimental study. J. Allied Health 40: 150-155, 2011
Indukuri, H. Investigating the Efficacy of Tazematostat for in vitro Treatment of Human Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Belmont University, April, 2022. Advisor: Marilyn Odom (Thompson)
Lawrence, E. Selinexor Hyperactivates Akt and Induces Its Nuclear Accumulation. Honors Thesis in fulfillment of requirements for graduation. Belmont University, April, 2020. Advisor: Marilyn Odom (Thompson)
Abstracts and Presentations in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Thompson, ME and K.Wahaib. Utilizing Case-Based Learning to Connect Science and Practice. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 2018.
Abstracts and Presentations in Research (Students presented)
Dotolo, N., T. Chen, E.D. Bradley, and M.E. Thompson. Selinexor induces apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer: an in vitro study. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy (ASHP) Midyear Meeting, December, 2020.
Linden, L., A. Peterson, and M.E. Thompson. In vitro cytotoxic activity of Salvia officinalis (sage) on triple negative breast cancer. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy (ASHP) Midyear Meeting, December, 2019.