Laurie Gavilo-Lane

Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
PhD, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN, PhD (candidate), Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, MPH, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, MSSW, University of Tennessee, Nashville, TN, MA, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA, BA, Emory University, Atlanta Georgia
Location: Jack C. Massey Center 439
PhD, Tennessee State University
PhD (candidate), Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
MPH, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
MSSW, University of Tennessee
MA, State University of West Georgia
BA, Emory University
Food deserts and food insecurity
Homelessness and resource deserts
Hospice care
Mental health and social isolation
Music and medicine
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and harm reduction
Racial and ethnic health disparities
Student service-learning
Tax expenditures as social policy
TPHA Epidemiology Committee, Co-Chair
TPHA Tennessee Public Health Association
APHA American Public Health Association
NHCHC National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Board Member
NASW National Association of Social Workers
University of Tennessee Professional Promise Award
TIPS Merit Scholarship Recipient
Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholar
Streams, M. and Gavilo-Lane, L. (2016). “Tax Expenditures as Social Policy”; entry in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. ed. Slack, J.D. & Ko, J-Y (“Social Policy” Section Edtors); Farazmond, A. (Editor-in-chief). New York: Springer, pp. 1 – 8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_2649-1
Gavilo-Lane, L.B. April 2024. “College Service: Transforming Lives.” National Service-Learning Conference (NSLC). Minneapolis, MN
Gavilo-Lane, L.B., Floyd, S., and Piatt, S. February 2024. “Civic Engagement and Social Change: College Service-Learning.” Tennessee Conference on Volunteerism and Service-Learning (TCVSL). Nashville, TN
Gavilo-Lane, L.B., Ketel, C., and Pemberton, J. September 2022. “Moving Public Health Forward: Clinic Closure and Transportation Equity.” Tennessee Public Health Association (TPHA) Conference. Nashville, TN
Streams, M.E. and Gavilo-Lane, L.B. October 2014. “State’s EITC Outreach Response to Federal Incentives: Impact on EITC filing and revenues.” Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM). Grand Rapids, MI.
Gavilo-Lane, L.B. and Streams, M.E. September 2014. “State EITC Outreach: Policy that Makes Cents!” Southeastern Conference for Public Administration. Atlanta, GA
Gavilo-Lane, L.B., Streams, M.E. October 2012. “Intergovernmental Institutional Isomorphism and Variability: Examination of State Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Legislation.” Southeastern Conference for Public Administration.
Gavilo, L.B. October 2004. “Street-Dependent Injection Drug Using Youth.” National Harm Reduction Conference.
Gavilo, L.B. (presenting), Haywood, D., and Tutela, N. July 2003. “Making the Point: Syringe Access, Disposal & Harm Reduction.” National Harm Reduction Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Gavilo, L.B. (presenting), and Camargo, R. July 2003. “Street Smart Peer Program.” National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Gavilo, L.B. (presenting). February 2003. “Street-Dependent Youth.” Ryan White National Youth Conference. Dallas, Texas.
Gavilo, L.B. (presenting). June 2002. “Adolescents and Homelessness.” National Health Care for the Homeless Conference. Chicago, IL.
2021 Vanderbilt Health Equity, Community Health Improvement Mini-Grant
2008 NIH Short-Term Training Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research; RFA-HL-05-018
2005 CDC - HIV/AIDS Prevention; Announcement: 06407
2005 - 2010 HRSA - Service Expansion of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Oral Health in Programs; HRSA-04-103, CFDA #: 93.224
2004 Louisiana Department of Health - HIV/AIDS Prevention
2004 Louisiana Department of Health - HIV/AIDS Prevention – Special Projects
2005 UNITY for the Homeless - Case Management/Drop-In Center Funding
2001 - 2006 Administration on Children, Youth, and Families - Street Outreach Program - HHS-2001-ACF-ACYF-YO-0105 CFDA #: 93.557