Justin Stace

Associate Professor of Chemistry
College of Sciences & Mathematics
Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Cincinnati - Specialization: Physical Inorganic Chemistry
Location: Janet Ayers Academic Center 4018
I attended Western Kentucky University and received my B.S. in Biochemistry (1999). Following two years as a process chemist at an automotive plating facility in Bowling Green, KY, I matriculated to The University of Cincinnati to pursue my interests in physical and inorganic chemistry. My graduate research with the late Dr. Bill Connick focused on the kinetics of oxidative addition reactions to rhodium dimers and platinum monomers (2011). I arrived at Belmont in the fall of 2010 to teach and develop a focused undergraduate research project. I currently teach an Introductory Chemistry course, General Chemistry I&II, Biophysical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry I, upper-division Inorganic, and direct a modest research project. My current research interests focus on the photophysics and photochemistry of a series of terbium(III)-centered who’s reactivity may permit the design of highly specific luminescent chemical sensors.
One of the greatest things about the College of Science and Mathematics at Belmont University is the emphasis we have on developing and fostering a culture of undergraduate research. I am fortunate to be in an environment where our concept of “teaching” extends to novel research; “learning how to learn.”
Outside of the classroom and the laboratory, I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids, reading (books made with paper), drinking coffee, and about a dozen other things, none of which I do particularly well.