Carole Scherling

Director of Neuroscience Program, Associate Professor of Neuroscience
College of Sciences & Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Ottawa, Canada - Specialization: Behavioral Neuroscience
Location: McWhorter Hall 424
Dr. Carole Scherling received her PhD in Behavioural Neurosciences from the University of Ottawa, applying neuroimaging (MRI, fMRI, DTI), biomarker and psychological assessments to study mild cognitively-impaired patient populations. She undertook a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), investigating insight and emotional deficits in neurodegenerative dementia patients, using psychophysiological techniques. From 2015-2017, Dr. Scherling occupied an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Psychology at the University of San Francisco, teaching Research Design, Cognition, Theories of Personality and Biopsychology.
Dr. Scherling’s teaching and research interests include: A. cognitive and emotional survivorship-issues of disease, treatment and recovery potential (chemotherapy-related cognitive impairments, side effects of anesthesia after surgery, etc...), B. biofeedback mechanisms and application possibilities as treatment in patient groups, and C. discovery and use of biomarkers in neurodegenerative cohorts as benchmarks of disease and treatment success. In addition, Dr. Scherling is always interested in working on new research avenues when approached by interested students. She teaches Intro to Psychological Science, Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 as well as Seminar in Neuroscience.
Outside of the university, Dr. Scherling enjoys checking off travel destinations from her expansive bucket-list, listening to live music, escaping on hiking and camping trips as well as scouting delicious foods of all cuisines.