Bin Liu

Professor of Pharmacology
Thomas F. Frist, Jr. College of Medicine
After completing his undergraduate medical education at Sichuan Medical College in Chengdu, China, Dr. Liu came to the United States and earned his M.S. from the University of Massachusetts in Boston and Ph.D. from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit. Following his postdoctoral training at Duke University Medical Center and research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Liu spent two decades at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, where he taught pharmacology, immunology, pathophysiology, research methodology, and scientific communication. He has mentored graduate (Ph.D., M.S.), professional (Pharm.D., M.D.), postdoctoral, and undergraduate students while conducting research on experimental therapeutics, disease mechanisms, and gene-environment interactions. He has also contributed to administrative and governance service within the university and scholarly service to governmental agencies and professional organizations.