Ann Coble

Assistant Professor of Religion
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Ph.D., Historical Theology - Saint Louis University; M.Th., New Testament - Covenant Theological Seminary; M.Div. - Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; B.A., English Literature - Washington University
Location: Ayers 2017
I love learning and I love ideas, knowledge, and thinking, and this is one of the main reasons I love teaching. It is a joy to see other people who are learning and rejoicing in the love of ideas and knowledge.
You might guess that I enjoy teaching in the College of Theology and Christian Ministry because the faculty also love learning and ideas and knowledge, and they do; but that is not why I enjoy teaching with them. I enjoy serving with them because they are kind and loving people, and their Christ-like character makes the work environment wonderful.
My Ph.D. is in historical theology, which, as it sounds, is a combination of church history and constructive theology. I am interested in how all kinds of theological views fit in their historical contexts.
- “Why Do We Love the Cotton Patch Versions So Much?” in the collection of papers given at the Clarence Jordan Symposium 2012, Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2014.
- Cotton Patch for the Kingdom: Clarence Jordan’s Demonstration Plot at Koinonia Farm, book version of dissertation published by Herald Press, Scottdale, PA, November 2001.
- "Sabbath," "Lord's Day," and "Palm Sunday" articles in the new Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, Eerdmans Books, Grand Rapids, MI: 2000.
- "Cotton Patch Justice, Cotton Patch Peace: The Sermon on the Mount in the Teachings and Practices of Clarence Jordan” in Theology and the New Histories, College Theology Society Annual Volume 44 1998, edited by Gary Macy, Orbis Books, Marynoll, NY: 1999.