Amanda Grieme Bradley

Associate Professor, Mental Health Counseling Program
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Ph.D. Clinical Counseling: Teaching and Supervision, Trevecca University; M.A. Marriage & Family Therapy, Trevecca University; B. A. Psychology, Greenville University
Location: JMC 362
Dr. Amanda Grieme Bradley, Ph.D., L-MFT earned both her Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy and her PhD in Clinical Counseling, Teaching, & Supervision from Trevecca University in Nashville, TN. A licensed marriage and family therapist and approved marriage and family therapy supervisor, Dr. Grieme Bradley is passionate about healing and enhancing human relationships. This passion stems from her lived experiences with the power of intimacy, connection, and healing.
At Belmont, Dr. Grieme Bradley teaches in the Mental Health Counseling Program. Fostering and witnessing the growth of counselors is one of the central gifts in her life. To become a competent counselor, one must become familiar with one’s own self and healing. Promoting a classroom environment to nurture this comfort with both self and other is core to her teaching philosophy.
Dr. Grieme Bradley lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and two kids. Her two favorite activities, which started as a young child, include reading and being outside.
- Self of the therapist
- Self of the professor
- Healthy family functioning
Grieme Bradley, A. (2021, August 31). Sabbatical as rest. Inside Higher Ed.
Grieme Bradley, A. (2021). The academic experience in the time of COVID-19: Replenishing resources for professors. In H. Scherschel & D. S. Rudmann (Eds.) Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2020-21. (pp. 43-46). Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
Grieme Bradley, A. (2017). Mindfulness in the undergraduate classroom. In R. L. Miller & T. Collette (Eds.) Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2015-16 (pp. 274-276). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:
Grieme Daly, A. R. (2010). Family structure, parental conflict, parental bonding, and relational health in college freshmen. (Doctoral dissertation). Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN.
Stride, S. M., Grieme Daly, A. R., & Jackson, D. L. (2010). Collaboration: Teaching graduate students postmodern psychotherapy. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 29, 1-14.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (September 2023). Attachment theory. A two hour presentation for a community night sponsored by Jill Gullahorn Counseling. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (June 2023). Integrating caregivers into adolescent therapy: Practical applications for counselors. A 50-minute session at the Counseling & Therapy Summit sponsored by the TNLPCA. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R., & Alexander, M. E. (May 2023). Embodiment in the Counseling Classroom. A 50-minute session at the Counselor Education Online 6th Annual Virtual Conference sponsored by the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
Grieme Bradley, A. R., Hopkins, S., & Ramey, L. (February, 2023). The Influence of Close Professional Relationships on Professional Development, Counselor Wellness, and Self-Care Practices. A 50-minute session at the annual International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors World Conference. St. Petersburg, FL.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (February, 2021). The Academic Experience in the Time of COVID-19: Replenishing Resources for Students and Instructors. A 30 minute session at the annual Southeastern Conference on Teaching of Psychology. Atlanta, GA (virtual).
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (March, 2019). Treating Self-Injury. A 90 minute presentation to the Trevecca Counseling Center Interns. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R., & Hopkins, S. R. (September, 2018). Mental Health in the Academy. A 60 minute overview during the Faculty Administrator Meeting at Trevecca Nazarene University. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (April, 2018). Dating & Sexuality in Teens & Emerging Adults: Trends & Treatment Implications. A 60 minute session at the annual Tennessee Association for Marriage & Family Therapy Conference. Murfreesboro, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (September, 2017). Fostering a Strong Bond with Your Teen. A two-week ninety minute series for parents of teenagers at the First Church of the Nazarene. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (August, 2017). Time Management and Self-Care. A 60 minute session at the annual Trevecca Resident Assistant Training. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (April, 2016). Working with Adolescents in Crisis. A 60 minute session at the annual Tennessee Association for Marriage & Family Therapy Conference. Nashville, TN.
Grieme Bradley, A. R. (March, 2016). Mindfulness in the Undergraduate Classroom. A 60 minute session at the annual Southeastern Conference on Teaching of Psychology. Atlanta, GA.