Technology Purchasing Policy

In This Section

Technology Purchasing Policy


Library and Information Technology Services (LITS) is charged with supporting university owned computer hardware, software and peripherals in ways that meet university strategic priorities.  Belmont University is a highly interconnected instructional entity, and is dependent upon secure and reliable technology to meet these priorities. LITS is responsible for maintaining the university network, servers, workstations, and peripherals, maintaining quality at reasonable costs.  This policy establishes standards, guidelines, and procedures for the purchase of these technologies in ways that support fiscally responsible stewardship of university resources. 


In a proactive effort to be good stewards of university resources, LITS recommends and purchases technologies that are sustainable, compatible with existing systems, and can be efficiently supported.  As a result, LITS has negotiated numerous purchasing agreements with hardware, software, network, and telecommunication vendors, audio/visual vendors, service agencies, multimedia companies, software developers and others.


In order to take advantage of these contracts and ensure that technology purchases meet Belmont University standards, LITS must be involved in all campus information technology related purchases in order to provide: 

  • compatibility with Belmont’s network environment;
  • compliance with Belmont’s information security policy;
  • suitability based on needs assessment;
  • licensing compliance for software purchases;
  • hardware and software that can be efficiently supported;
  • availability of sufficient Belmont resources (including initial and recurring costs);


Standardization allows the university to efficiently select and manage technology, obtain better technology pricing, reduce maintenance costs and increase access to training and assistance.  From time to time technology is adopted as a campus standard and is considered to be eligible for purchase by any campus department without the requirement of additional approvals.  These standards are re-evaluated periodically based on common needs, vendor offerings, cost, reliability, supportability, quality, sustainability, compliance with recycling policies and timeliness of vendor response.   For more information concerning product purchasing eligibility and current campus standards please contact the Service Desk or LITS Purchasing Manager.

  1. Applicability and standards
    This policy applies to all computers, equipment, network and software purchased by the university, whether located on the campus or in remote locations or facilities. These resources include but are not necessarily limited to:
    1. Desktops, laptops, tablets and servers
    2. Application software
    3. Peripheral equipment (e.g. printers, scanners, etc.)
    4. Cabling or connectivity-related devices
    5. Audio-visual equipment such as projectors
    6. Mobile devices
    7. Web based software services and domain names

At any point in time, the university gains benefits from maintaining within reason the practice of purchasing equipment according to agreed-upon standards. Agreement by a purchaser to accept standard configurations achieves the benefits to the campus of better pricing for components and supplies, and less administrative overhead; and to the purchaser of better pricing, faster processing of requests, improved support, less costly maintenance, and additional opportunities for training and assistance for technologies purchased.

Purchase of non-standard technology components is not prohibited. However, such purchases should be minimized as much as reasonably possible and will be subject to section H of this policy. The purchase of non-standard technology components must be justified by the existence of special circumstances that require it. Also, the purchaser of a non-standard technology component must document the source of support for the component before purchase will be approved.  Examples of non-standard technology could include:

  • Proprietary software
  • Simulation technology
  • Single use licensed software
  • Specialized electronic hardware
  1. Vendor and Contract Review

LITS will be responsible for the administration of technology contracts including, but not limited to: hardware, software, data services, web domains, copiers, IT services, and smartphones for Belmont University. This includes managing all actions associated with contracts, including renewals, warranty issues, and vendor returns or replacement. Vendor performance will be periodically evaluated in several categories, including but not limited to: cost; reliability; service times and performance; and acquisition time.

  1. Internet Products and Services

All Internet products and services including the purchase of domain names, hosting services, SSL certificates, and SaaS services must be approved, managed and coordinated by LITS.  All university domain names are owned by Belmont University and the procurement and setup of Internet products and services are the responsibility of LITS.  All domain names must be first approved by the Office of Communications and managed by LITS.

  1. Technology Project Approvals

All IT projects must be approved and coordinated with LITS early in the process as supported by the Software Needs Assessment Policy for new initiatives which requires a completed form (available from the Service Desk) and CIO review a the project.  If the project involves connecting to the campus network, management of data, or supports an administrative process, LITS must be a member of the implementation team.   The CIO has established with Senior Leadership approval the Software Needs Assessment form which must be completed and signed before final approvals.

  1. Workstation and Laptop Replacement Plan

Realizing that technology is an integral part of a university of academic distinction, Senior Leadership has approved the following replacement plan for Belmont University computers to ensure that computers on campus are kept up-to-date:

  • Computer Labs will be eligible to be upgraded every four years.
  • Employee desktop computers, laptops and tablets will be eligible to be upgraded every four years sooner under the following circumstances:
    • If the device is out of warranty and repair is not feasible; or
    • If there is adequate justification that the device does not meet the requirements for the user’s job and or repair is cost prohibitive.
  • Faculty or staff may elect to purchase an Apple product at cost above the current upgrade allotment but only on approval of the department budget manager. Approval of selection of an Apple product will also be predicated on the Apple product’s support of all job functions of the department including compatibility with Banner processes.
  1. Accessibility:

When selecting software and non-peripheral hardware, university purchasers should consider accessibility as a factor in purchasing decisions.

Hardware or software purchased by the university should comply with one or more of the following standards as evidence of accessibility:

  • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
  • W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
  1. Sustainability:

When selecting software and non-peripheral hardware, university purchasers should strongly consider sustainability as a factor in purchasing decisions.   Hardware or software purchased by the university should support Belmont University’s sustainability program. All electronic hardware should meet or exceed EPEAT criteria for energy efficiency.   All hardware disposal must comply with all Nashville and Tennessee ordinances, statutes, and other laws for disposal and recycling of electronic waste. 

Technology recycling and disposal must be coordinated through the Service Desk.

  1. Software and Hardware Purchases

Office productivity/instructional software standards include such packages as Microsoft Office and Excel, AVID, SPSS, Minitab etc.   When software is determined to be a standard for the campus, that definition is typically supported in terms of:

  • provision of a site license or volume purchase agreement for the package or hardware system
  • call center and/or help center support for the package or hardware system
  • User training on use of the package or hardware system.

Standards for office productivity/instructional software and computer hardware are defined for the campus and re-evaluated periodically. When a package or hardware system is approved as a campus standard it is considered to be pre-approved for purchase without additional consideration by LITS, requests for standard office productivity/instructional software or computer will normally be processed immediately upon receipt.

Non-Standard Software and Hardware

If a software package or hardware is not listed as a current standard, it is considered to be non-standard. Requests for non-standard software and hardware must be approved by the Dean or department head and CIO.

Non-standard purchases will have limited support by LITS Service Desk. Before purchasing non-standard software or hardware, the purchaser must describe the source of support for the software or hardware being purchased and specific requirements to support the implementation.

Administrative Software (both installed locally and as a web service)

Administrative software is software that fulfills a specific business purpose. Examples of administrative software are: Banner, Adirondack and Alma.  When an administrative software package or Service (SaaS) is considered for purchase, it must be evaluated in terms of its fit with the campus environment (operating hardware requirements, database management system, operating system requirements, Web environment requirements), and the support requirements associated with the package or service.

Administrative software will be evaluated based on the nature of the application, its usage base, and its criticality to the mission of the department or the University as a whole. If administrative software is to be supported by LITS, the package must fit within the standard operating environment.  With this in mind, all administrative software packages must be evaluated and approved before purchase via the Software Needs Assessment Process Form administered through the Service Desk.  All software projects must adhere to the procedural requirements of Software Needs Assessment Policy as approved by the CIO and Sr. Leadership.

  1. Technology Purchasing Procedures

All university technology requests are processed through LITS.  The purchasing procedure is initiated by executing a purchase request. Individual departments may gather information on items being considered for purchase and include this information with the request.  Technology purchase requests must follow all purchasing guidelines as prescribed by Belmont’s accounting and purchasing department. 

The end user may request technology by:

  • Contacting the LITS Service Desk to complete a  request form; or
  • Contacting LITS Service Desk for technical consultation.

The departmental Budget Manager and Dean must approve purchases prior to ordering by LITS. To facilitate turn-around, and to give the best possible service, please have the following information available or included when requesting or submitting via online:

  • Quantities, complete item description(s)
  • Budget numbers to be charged
  • Date needed

Requests should be submitted with sufficient time to obtain price quotations and place orders. Please provide as much lead-time as possible. To duplicate a previous purchase, the prior order should be referenced.

Non-standard Purchase Requests

All requests for non-standard technology must be approved by the CIO.  A  LITS staff member will work with the purchaser to determine the appropriate technology that best meets the needs of the project.  The request will be presented to the CIO and associated Dean as part of the decision making process before a purchase can be approved.

  1. End of Year Purchase (EOY) Requests

All EOY requests must strictly follow all guidelines as established by Finance and Accounting.  Given this is a busy time please allow at additional time to the request to order equipment to arrive in the fiscal year of the purchase request as required by Finance and Accounting.


Software License Compliance

This issue is even more critical than departmental purchases because the university could

be liable for thousands of dollars in fines if there are violations of copyright.  Software license issues are governed by contracts with each vendor and Belmont must comply in monitoring and mandating contractually allotted usage for software usage at all times.  All requests enhancements to software contracts must first be approved by the CIO.


Violations of this policy will be handled according to normal disciplinary procedures and/or referred to the department Dean of the offending area, the Vice President of Finance and Accounting, and the CIO. 

Any violation of this policy by faculty and staff is misconduct under Belmont policies.  Any violation of this policy by students is subject to the Student Code of Conduct in the Bruin Guide student handbook. Violations of law may also be referred for criminal or civil prosecution.


The Technology Purchasing Policy is administered through a collection of Belmont standards. The Belmont University Technology Purchasing Policy and its standards are in effect at all times.  LITS works in concert with the Dean of Students Office, Senior Leadership, and Human Resources to ensure fair and appropriate investigation, consideration, and consequences where appropriate. Users are expected to familiarize themselves with Belmont standards and comply with them.

  • Password Policy
  • Acceptable User Policy
  • Remote Access Policy
  • Wireless Communication Policy
  • Data Classification Policy
  • Email Policy
  • 2016-2017 Belmont Bruin Guide
  • 2016-2017 Faculty Staff Handbook
  • 2016-2017 Staff Handbook
  • FERPA Policy
  • HIPPA Policy
  • GLBA Policy
  • Misconduct Policy


Technology:   Any software, hardware, server, virtual server or service, wireless, wired, or electronic process that supports working, living, visiting, learning or teaching at the university.  Examples include but are not limited to: desktop computers, mobile devices, telephones, wiring, wireless internet, applications, projectors, printers, software systems, etc.   Technology includes any component that attaches to the campus network, an electronic lab component, stores data, electronically controls something, or performs computations.

USER: Any person using any of the University’s computer or information resources, including but not limited to:

  • Faculty
  • Students
  • Alumni
  • Contractors
  • Consultants
  • Associates, honoraries and visiting staff
  • Community members and guests
  • Other users authorized by the University
  • Third parties (ex. Vendors, contractors, etc.)
  • Anyone connecting non-Belmont equipment (e.g. laptop computers) to the University network

LITS: Library and Information Technology Services.  Belmont division that supports technology and library services for the campus

SaaS: Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

Date of Change Responsible Summary of Change
May 19, 2016 Randall Reynolds
Director of Information Security
New policy created
October 20, 2016 Randall Reynolds
Director of Information Security
Policy updated
May 12, 2017 Randall Reynolds
Director of Information Security
Policy updated

In This Section